- average expression
- усредненное выражение
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre. 2014.
English-Russian dictionary of chemistre. 2014.
Average treatment effects — (ATE) is an econometric measure of treatments used in from policy evaluation to medicine. General definition The expression treatment effect refers to the causal effect of a given treatment or policy (for example, the administering of a drug) on… … Wikipedia
average — A mean proportion, medial sum or quantity, made out of unequal sums or quantities. Brisendine v. Skousen Bros., 48 Ariz. 416, 62 P.2d 326, 329. In ordinary usage the term signifies the mean between two or more quantities, measures, or numbers. If … Black's law dictionary
average — A mean proportion, medial sum or quantity, made out of unequal sums or quantities. Brisendine v. Skousen Bros., 48 Ariz. 416, 62 P.2d 326, 329. In ordinary usage the term signifies the mean between two or more quantities, measures, or numbers. If … Black's law dictionary
General average/New version — Average in maritime commerce to signify damages orexpenses resulting from the accidents of navigation. Average is either general or particular. General average arises when sacrifices have been made, or expenditures incurred, for the preservation… … Wikipedia
Gene expression profiling — Heat maps of gene expression values show how experimental conditions influenced production (expression) of mRNA for a set of genes. Green indicates reduced expression. Cluster analysis has placed a group of down regulated genes in the upper left… … Wikipedia
Ensemble average — In statistical mechanics, the ensemble average is defined as the mean of a quantity that is a function of the micro state of a system (the ensemble of possible states), according to the distribution of the system on its micro states in this… … Wikipedia
Gene expression — For vocabulary, see Glossary of gene expression terms. For a non technical introduction to the topic, see Introduction to genetics. Genes are expressed by being transcribed into RNA, and this transcript may then be translated into protein. Gene… … Wikipedia
Autoregressive moving average model — In statistics, autoregressive moving average (ARMA) models, sometimes called Box Jenkins models after the iterative Box Jenkins methodology usually used to estimate them, are typically applied to time series data.Given a time series of data X t … Wikipedia
Batting average — Lexique du cricket Le cricket est un sport qui dispose d un lexique complexe : les termes techniques et expressions qu on y emploie de manière spécifique sont nombreux[1]. Sommaire : Haut A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q … Wikipédia en Français
Bowling average — Lexique du cricket Le cricket est un sport qui dispose d un lexique complexe : les termes techniques et expressions qu on y emploie de manière spécifique sont nombreux[1]. Sommaire : Haut A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q … Wikipédia en Français
Mormon Expression — is a weekly podcast created by John Larsen dealing with issues of Mormon faith, culture, doctrine and history. The podcast includes a mixed format of interviews and panel discussions. The overall tone of the podcast is somewhat critical of the… … Wikipedia